发布时间:2025-03-05 00:26
* **患者信息管理**: 包括患者基本信息、病历信息、就诊记录等。
* **医生信息管理**: 包括医生基本信息、职责分配等。
* **门诊信息管理**: 包括门诊基本信息、预约信息、就诊记录等。
* **药品管理**: 包括药品基本信息、库存管理等。
* **Model层**: 负责数据的持久化和操作。
* **View层**: 负责用户界面的显示和交互。
* **Controller层**: 负责业务逻辑的处理。
### **Model层**
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java/** * @author [Your Name] */ public class Patient { private int id; private String name; private String sex; private Date birthday; public Patient(int id, String name, String sex, Date birthday) { = id; = name; = sex; this.birthday = birthday; } // getter and setter}
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java/** * @author [Your Name] */ public class Doctor { private int id; private String name; private String department; public Doctor(int id, String name, String department) { = id; = name; this.department = department; } // getter and setter}
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java/** * @author [Your Name] */ public class Clinic { private int id; private String name; private Date appointmentDate; public Clinic(int id, String name, Date appointmentDate) { = id; = name; this.appointmentDate = appointmentDate; } // getter and setter}
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java/** * @author [Your Name] */ public class Medicine { private int id; private String name; private double price; public Medicine(int id, String name, double price) { = id; = name; this.price = price; } // getter and setter}
### **Controller层**
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java/** * @author [Your Name] */ public class PatientController { public void addPatient(Patient patient) { // business logic to add patient } public ListgetAllPatients() { // business logic to get all patients } }
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java/** * @author [Your Name] */ public class DoctorController { public void addDoctor(Doctor doctor) { // business logic to add doctor } public ListgetAllDoctors() { // business logic to get all doctors } }
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java/** * @author [Your Name] */ public class ClinicController { public void addClinic(Clinic clinic) { // business logic to add clinic } public ListgetAllClinics() { // business logic to get all clinics } }
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java/** * @author [Your Name] */ public class MedicineController { public void addMedicine(Medicine medicine) { // business logic to add medicine } public ListgetAllMedicines() { // business logic to get all medicines } }
### **View层**
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java/** * @author [Your Name] */ public class PatientView { public void displayPatient(Patient patient) { // display patient information } public void displayAllPatients(Listpatients) { // display all patients } }
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java/** * @author [Your Name] */ public class DoctorView { public void displayDoctor(Doctor doctor) { // display doctor information } public void displayAllDoctors(Listdoctors) { // display all doctors } }
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java/** * @author [Your Name] */ public class ClinicView { public void displayClinic(Clinic clinic) { // display clinic information } public void displayAllClinics(Listclinics) { // display all clinics } }
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java/** * @author [Your Name] */ public class MedicineView { public void displayMedicine(Medicine medicine) { // display medicine information } public void displayAllMedicines(Listmedicines) { // display all medicines } }
**注意**: 上述代码仅供参考,具体实现可能需要根据实际需求进行调整和扩展。
**结束语**: 本系统是基于Java语言开发的连锁门诊医院HIS信息管理系统。该系统主要功能包括患者信息管理、医生信息管理、门诊信息管理和药品管理等。系统采用MVC模式,分为三个层次:Model层负责数据的持久化和操作,View层负责用户界面的显示和交互,Controller层负责业务逻辑的处理。