发布时间:2025-03-04 09:33
**PDF 添加水印及防止被删除、编辑与打印**
### **所需库**
* `PyMuPDF`:用于处理PDF文档* `fpdf`:用于生成PDF文档可以使用pip进行安装:
bashpip install pymupdf fpdf
### **添加水印**
from fitz import fitz # PyMuPDFdef add_watermark(pdf_path, watermark_text): """ Adds a watermark to the PDF document. Args: pdf_path (str): The path to the PDF file. watermark_text (str): The text of the watermark. Returns: None """ # Open the PDF file using PyMuPDF doc = fitz.open(pdf_path) # Create a new page with the watermark text page = doc.new_page(595,842) # A4 size # Set the font and size of the watermark text txt = page.add_text("Helvetica",72) txt.set_font_size(72) txt.set_text(watermark_text) # Save the updated PDF file doc.save(pdf_path, overwrite=True) # Example usage: add_watermark('input.pdf', 'Confidential')
### **防止被删除**
from fitz import fitz # PyMuPDFdef prevent_deletion(pdf_path, password): """ Prevents the PDF document from being deleted. Args: pdf_path (str): The path to the PDF file. password (str): The password for encryption. Returns: None """ # Open the PDF file using PyMuPDF doc = fitz.open(pdf_path) # Encrypt the PDF file with a password doc.encrypt(password, use_128bit=True) # Save the updated PDF file doc.save(pdf_path, overwrite=True) # Example usage: prevent_deletion('input.pdf', 'password123')
### **防止编辑**
from fitz import fitz # PyMuPDFdef prevent_editing(pdf_path, password): """ Prevents the PDF document from being edited. Args: pdf_path (str): The path to the PDF file. password (str): The password for encryption. Returns: None """ # Open the PDF file using PyMuPDF doc = fitz.open(pdf_path) # Encrypt the PDF file with a password and set options doc.encrypt(password, use_128bit=True, allowPrinting=False, allowModify=False) # Save the updated PDF file doc.save(pdf_path, overwrite=True) # Example usage: prevent_editing('input.pdf', 'password123')
### **防止打印**
from fitz import fitz # PyMuPDFdef prevent_printing(pdf_path, password): """ Prevents the PDF document from being printed. Args: pdf_path (str): The path to the PDF file. password (str): The password for encryption. Returns: None """ # Open the PDF file using PyMuPDF doc = fitz.open(pdf_path) # Encrypt the PDF file with a password and set options doc.encrypt(password, use_128bit=True, allowPrinting=False) # Save the updated PDF file doc.save(pdf_path, overwrite=True) # Example usage: prevent_printing('input.pdf', 'password123')