发布时间:2025-02-08 19:10
因此,我们需要一种高效、批量化的方法来处理这些图片。这里我们将介绍如何利用 Python 和 Flask 来实现一个文件夹图片批量上传到数据库的系统。
### **依赖和环境**
* Python3.7+
* Flask2.x* SQLAlchemy1.4.x* Pillow8.x### **项目结构**
bashproject/ app.pymodels.pyschemas.pyutils.pyrequirements.txtconfig.pytemplates/ index.htmlstatic/ style.cssimages/ image1.jpgimage2.jpg...
### **配置和依赖安装**
首先,我们需要在 `config.py` 中定义我们的数据库连接信息:
# config.pyclass Config: SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:///example.db' SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS = False
然后,在 `requirements.txt` 中列出我们所需的依赖:
最后,使用 pip 安装这些依赖:
bashpip install -r requirements.txt
### **模型定义**
在 `models.py` 中,我们需要定义一个用于存储图片的模型。这里我们使用 SQLAlchemy 来定义这个模型:
# models.pyfrom sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, DateTimefrom sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_basefrom sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmakerfrom config import ConfigBase = declarative_base() class Image(Base): __tablename__ = 'images' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String(100), nullable=False) path = Column(String(200), nullable=False) def __repr__(self): return f"Image('{self.name}', '{self.path}')"
### **批量上传逻辑**
在 `utils.py` 中,我们需要实现一个用于批量上传图片的函数:
# utils.pyimport osfrom PIL import Image as PilImagefrom config import Configfrom models import Base, sessiondef batch_upload_images(folder_path): """ Batch upload images from a folder to the database. Args: folder_path (str): The path of the folder containing images. """ # Create the engine and bind it to the current thread engine = sessionmaker(bind=Config.SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI)() # Create all tables in the engine. This is equivalent to "Create Table" # statements in raw SQL. Base.metadata.create_all(engine) # Get a session from the engine session = engine # Iterate over each file in the folder for filename in os.listdir(folder_path): # Check if it's an image file if filename.lower().endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg')): # Open the image using Pillow img = PilImage.open(os.path.join(folder_path, filename)) # Get the image dimensions and create a new Image object width, height = img.size name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] path = os.path.join(folder_path, filename) # Create a new Image object and add it to the session image = Image(name=name, path=path) session.add(image) # Commit the changes session.commit()
### **Flask API**
在 `app.py` 中,我们需要创建一个 Flask 应用程序来处理 HTTP 请求:
# app.pyfrom flask import Flask, request, jsonifyfrom config import Configfrom models import Base, sessionfrom utils import batch_upload_imagesapp = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(Config) @app.route('/upload', methods=['POST']) def upload_image(): """ Upload an image to the database. Args: folder_path (str): The path of the folder containing images. """ # Get the folder path from the request body folder_path = request.json.get('folder_path') # Call the batch_upload_images function batch_upload_images(folder_path) return jsonify({'message': 'Image uploaded successfully'}),200if __name__ == '__main__': app.run(debug=True)
### **测试**
最后,我们需要测试我们的 Flask 应用程序:
bashpython -m unittest test_app.py
### **总结**
在本文中,我们介绍了如何使用 Python 和 Flask 来实现一个文件夹图片批量上传到数据库的系统。我们定义了一个用于存储图片的模型,实现了一个用于批量上传图片的函数,并创建了一个 Flask 应用程序来处理 HTTP 请求。最后,我们测试了我们的 Flask 应用程序。