发布时间:2025-01-15 23:15
###1. **Google Cloud Speech-to-Text**
Google Cloud Speech-to-Text 是谷歌提供的一款强大的语音识别服务,可以将音频转换成多种语言的文本。它支持多种输入格式,包括 WAV、MP3 和 FLAC 等。
import osfrom google.cloud import speech# 初始化 Speech-to-Text 客户端client = speech.SpeechClient() # 加载音频文件with open('audio.wav', 'rb') as f: audio = speech.RecognitionAudio(content=f.read()) # 配置识别参数config = speech.RecognitionConfig( encoding=speech.RecognitionConfig.AudioEncoding.LINEAR16, sample_rate_hertz=16000, language_code='zh-CN' ) # 开始识别response = client.recognize(config, audio) # 输出结果for result in response.results: for alternative in result.alternatives: print(alternative.transcript)
###2. **Microsoft Azure Speech Services**
微软的 Azure Speech Services 是一款语音识别服务,可以将音频转换成多种语言的文本。它支持多种输入格式,包括 WAV、MP3 和 FLAC 等。
import osfrom azure.cognitiveservices.speech import SpeechConfig, SpeechRecognitionMode# 初始化 Speech Services 客户端speech_config = SpeechConfig( subscription='YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY', region='YOUR_REGION' ) # 加载音频文件with open('audio.wav', 'rb') as f: audio = speech.AudioData(f.read()) # 配置识别参数config = speech.SpeechRecognitionMode(RecognitionMode.Interaction) # 开始识别speech_recognition = speech.SpeechRecognizer(speech_config) result = speech_recognition.recognize_once(config, audio) # 输出结果print(result.text)
###3. **IBM Watson Speech to Text**
IBM Watson Speech to Text 是一款语音识别服务,可以将音频转换成多种语言的文本。它支持多种输入格式,包括 WAV、MP3 和 FLAC 等。
import osfrom ibmcloudspeechtotext import SpeechToTextV1# 初始化 Speech to Text 客户端speech_to_text = SpeechToTextV1( username='YOUR_USERNAME', password='YOUR_PASSWORD' ) # 加载音频文件with open('audio.wav', 'rb') as f: audio = speech_to_text.Audio(f.read()) # 配置识别参数config = speech_to_text.Config( language='zh-CN', max_alternatives=1, timestamps=True) # 开始识别result = speech_to_text.recognize(config, audio) # 输出结果print(result.result)
###4. **Baidu AI Speech**
百度的 AI Speech 是一款语音识别服务,可以将音频转换成多种语言的文本。它支持多种输入格式,包括 WAV、MP3 和 FLAC 等。
import osfrom baiduaiai import AIAISpeech# 初始化 AI Speech 客户端ai_speech = AIAISpeech( app_id='YOUR_APP_ID', api_key='YOUR_API_KEY' ) # 加载音频文件with open('audio.wav', 'rb') as f: audio = ai_speech.Audio(f.read()) # 配置识别参数config = ai_speech.Config( language='zh-CN', max_alternatives=1, timestamps=True) # 开始识别result = ai_speech.recognize(config, audio) # 输出结果print(result.result)
###5. **Sphinx**
Sphinx 是一款开源的语音识别库,可以将音频转换成多种语言的文本。它支持多种输入格式,包括 WAV、MP3 和 FLAC 等。
import osfrom sphinxbase import Decoder, AudioData# 加载音频文件with open('audio.wav', 'rb') as f: audio = AudioData(f.read()) # 配置识别参数config = Decoder( language='zh-CN', max_alternatives=1, timestamps=True) # 开始识别decoder = Decoder(config) result = decoder.decode(audio) # 输出结果print(result.hyp)