ESP32(MicroPython) 网页控制五自由度机械臂
发布时间:2025-01-10 02:47
**ESP32 (MicroPython) 网页控制五自由度机械臂**
在本文中,我们将介绍如何使用 ESP32 和 MicroPython 来实现一个网页控制的五自由度机械臂。我们将一步步地讲解整个过程,包括硬件设置、软件编程和网页控制。
*1 x ESP32 板(例如 ESP32 DevKit)
*5 x伺服电机*1 x机械臂结构*1 x 网络连接器(例如 Wi-Fi 或 Ethernet)
我们将使用 MicroPython 来编写控制逻辑。首先,我们需要安装 MicroPython 到 ESP32 板上。
### 安装 MicroPython
# 下载 MicroPython 的最新版本git clone 进入 MicroPython 的目录cd micropython# 构建 MicroPythonmake -f makefile esp32# 将 MicroPython flashed 到 ESP32 板上 --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash0x1000 micropython.bin
### 编写控制逻辑
# Import necessary librariesimport machineimport utime# Define the pins for the servo motorsservo_pins = [machine.Pin(12), machine.Pin(13), machine.Pin(14), machine.Pin(15), machine.Pin(16)] # Initialize the servo motorsservos = [] for pin in servo_pins: servos.append(machine.PWMOut(pin, freq=50)) # Define the web serverimport socket# Create a socket objectsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Bind the socket to the address and portserver_address = ('',80) sock.bind(server_address) # Listen for incoming connectionssock.listen(1) while True: # Accept an incoming connection conn, addr = sock.accept() # Receive data from the client request = conn.recv(1024).decode('utf-8') # Parse the request if 'GET /' in request: # Send a response back to the client response = 'HTTP/1.1200 OKr Content-Type: text/htmlr r <html><body><h1>ESP32 Web Server</h1>' # Add HTML code for servo motor controls response += '<form action="/servo" method="post">' response += '<label for="servo1">Servo1:</label>' response += '<input type="range" id="servo1" name="servo1" min="0" max="180">' response += ' ' # Add HTML code for servo motor controls response += '<label for="servo2">Servo2:</label>' response += '<input type="range" id="servo2" name="servo2" min="0" max="180">' response += ' ' # Add HTML code for servo motor controls response += '<label for="servo3">Servo3:</label>' response += '<input type="range" id="servo3" name="servo3" min="0" max="180">' response += ' ' # Add HTML code for servo motor controls response += '<label for="servo4">Servo4:</label>' response += '<input type="range" id="servo4" name="servo4" min="0" max="180">' response += ' ' # Add HTML code for servo motor controls response += '<label for="servo5">Servo5:</label>' response += '<input type="range" id="servo5" name="servo5" min="0" max="180">' response += '</form></body></html>r ' # Send the response back to the client conn.sendall(response.encode('utf-8')) elif '/servo' in request: # Parse the servo motor values from the request servo_values = {} for key, value in request.split('&'): if 'servo1' in key: servo_values['servo1'] = int(value) elif 'servo2' in key: servo_values['servo2'] = int(value) elif 'servo3' in key: servo_values['servo3'] = int(value) elif 'servo4' in key: servo_values['servo4'] = int(value) elif 'servo5' in key: servo_values['servo5'] = int(value) # Set the servo motor values for i, (pin, value) in enumerate(zip(servo_pins, servo_values.values())): servos[i].duty_cycle = (value *10 +500) //1000 # Send a response back to the client response = 'HTTP/1.1200 OKr Content-Type: text/htmlr r <html><body><h1>Servo Motor Values Set</h1></body></html>r ' # Send the response back to the client conn.sendall(response.encode('utf-8')) # Close the connection conn.close()
当客户端发送 GET 请求时,我们将其解析为 HTML 页面,包含五个伺服电机的控制表单。当客户端发送 POST 请求时,我们解析请求中的值并设置相应的伺服电机值。
### 测试为了测试这个项目,我们可以使用一个网页浏览器打开 ESP32 板上的 IP 地址。我们可以在浏览器中输入 ` 来访问控制页面。
我们可以在控制表单中调整伺服电机的值,然后点击提交按钮来设置新的值。我们可以使用一个调试工具(例如 Serial Monitor)来查看 ESP32 板上的日志信息,确保所有的逻辑都正确执行。
### 总结在本文中,我们介绍了如何使用 ESP32 和 MicroPython 来实现一个网页控制的五自由度机械臂。我们一步步地讲解整个过程,包括硬件设置、软件编程和网页控制。