发布时间:2024-12-28 22:23
**字节青训 pre 后端笔试练兵**
作为一名即将进入职场的新人,参加字节青训 pre 的后端笔试是非常重要的一步。通过这次笔试,不仅可以考察自己的编程能力,还可以了解公司对后端开发者的需求和期待。在本文中,我们将带你一步一步地完成这次笔试,并提供一些实用的代码示例和注释。
字节青训 pre 的后端笔试共有5 个题目,每个题目都要求考生在一定时间内完成。题目的难度逐渐增加,最后一个题目是最具挑战性的。下面是这5 个题目的概览:
1. **简单题**: 实现一个计算平均值的函数。
2. **中等题**: 设计一个简单的登录系统,包括用户注册和登录功能。
3. **困难题**: 实现一个基于 Redis 的缓存系统,支持 GET、SET 和 DELETE 操作。
4. **极具挑战性题**: 设计一个分布式锁系统,支持加锁、解锁和超时等功能。
5. **综合题**: 完成一个完整的后端项目,包括用户管理、订单管理和支付接口。
def calculate_average(numbers): """ Calculate the average of a list of numbers. Args: numbers (list): A list of numbers. Returns: float: The average of the input numbers. """ if not numbers: return0 return sum(numbers) / len(numbers)
class User: def __init__(self, username, password): self.username = username self.password = passwordclass LoginSystem: def __init__(self): self.users = {} def register(self, username, password): """ Register a new user. Args: username (str): The username of the new user. password (str): The password of the new user. """ if username not in self.users: self.users[username] = User(username, password) def login(self, username, password): """ Login an existing user. Args: username (str): The username of the user to login. password (str): The password of the user to login. Returns: bool: Whether the login is successful or not. """ if username in self.users and self.users[username].password == password: return True return False
第三个题目要求我们实现一个基于 Redis 的缓存系统,支持 GET、SET 和 DELETE 操作。这个系统应该能够将数据存储在 Redis 中,并检查是否有过期的缓存。
import redisclass CacheSystem: def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=6379): self.redis_client = redis.Redis(host=host, port=port) def get(self, key): """ Get the value of a cache by its key. Args: key (str): The key of the cache to get. Returns: str: The value of the cache if it exists, otherwise None. """ return self.redis_client.get(key).decode('utf-8') def set(self, key, value): """ Set a new cache with the given key and value. Args: key (str): The key of the new cache. value (str): The value of the new cache. """ self.redis_client.set(key, value) def delete(self, key): """ Delete a cache by its key. Args: key (str): The key of the cache to delete. """ self.redis_client.delete(key)
import threadingclass LockSystem: def __init__(self): self.locks = {} self.threads = {} def acquire(self, key, timeout=10): """ Acquire a lock by its key. Args: key (str): The key of the lock to acquire. timeout (int): The timeout in seconds for acquiring the lock. Returns: bool: Whether the lock is acquired successfully or not. """ if key not in self.locks: self.locks[key] = threading.Lock() self.threads[key] = [] thread_id = id(threading.current_thread()) if thread_id in self.threads[key]: return False self.threads[key].append(thread_id) try: with self.locks[key]: return True finally: self.threads[key].remove(thread_id) def release(self, key): """ Release a lock by its key. Args: key (str): The key of the lock to release. """ if key in self.locks: del self.locks[key]
class User: def __init__(self, username, password): self.username = username self.password = passwordclass Order: def __init__(self, user_id, order_id, total_amount): self.user_id = user_id self.order_id = order_id self.total_amount = total_amountclass PaymentSystem: def __init__(self): self.orders = {} def create_order(self, user_id, order_id, total_amount): """ Create a new order. Args: user_id (int): The ID of the user who creates the order. order_id (str): The ID of the new order. total_amount (float): The total amount of the new order. """ self.orders[order_id] = Order(user_id, order_id, total_amount) def pay(self, order_id): """ Pay for an existing order. Args: order_id (str): The ID of the order to pay. """ if order_id in self.orders: del self.orders[order_id]
通过完成这5 个题目,我们可以了解字节青训 pre 的后端笔试的难度和要求,并且能够更好地准备自己参加面试。