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OpenAI Gym中FrozenLake环境(场景)源码分析(5)

发布人:shili8 发布时间:2024-12-24 00:28 阅读次数:0

**OpenAI Gym 中 FrozenLake 环境源码分析(五)**

在前几篇文章中,我们已经对 OpenAI Gym 中的 FrozenLake 环境进行了基本的介绍和源码分析。今天,我们将继续深入分析 FrozenLake 环境的源码,重点关注其实现细节。

**FrozenLake 环境概述**

FrozenLake 是一个经典的控制问题环境,它描述了一位小人在一个4x4 的冰湖上行走。在这个环境中,小人可以向四个方向移动(上、下、左、右),但有一些障碍物和陷阱会阻止其前进。目标是让小人从起点(上左角)到达终点(下右角)。

**FrozenLake 环境源码**

FrozenLake 环境的源码位于 `gym/envs/classic_control/frozen_lake.py` 文件中。我们将重点关注以下几个方面:

###1. 环境类定义

class FrozenLakeEnv(gym.Env):
 A simple gridworld environment where the agent must navigate from a start point to an end point.
 The environment is a4x4 grid, with some obstacles and pitfalls that will block the agent's progress.
 The agent can move up, down, left or right, but cannot move diagonally.
 The reward is -1 for each step taken, except when the agent reaches the end point, which gives a reward of0.
 The episode ends when the agent reaches the end point or falls into a pit.

###2. 环境属性定义
class FrozenLakeEnv(gym.Env):
 metadata = {'render.modes': ['human']}

 def __init__(self, map_name='4x4', is_slippery=False):
 self.map_name = map_name self.is_slippery = is_slippery # Define the grid size based on the map name if map_name == '4x4':
 self.grid_size =4 elif map_name == '8x8':
 self.grid_size =8 else:
 raise ValueError("Invalid map name. Choose from '4x4' or '8x8'.")
 # Define the possible actions (up, down, left, right)
 self.actions = ['UP', 'DOWN', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT']
 # Initialize the agent's position and the grid self.agent_position = [0,0]
 self.grid = [[0 for _ in range(self.grid_size)] for _ in range(self.grid_size)]

###3. 环境方法定义
class FrozenLakeEnv(gym.Env):
 def step(self, action):
 Take a step in the environment.
 action (str): The action to take (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT)
 observation (list): The new agent position reward (float): The reward for taking this action done (bool): Whether the episode has ended info (dict): Additional information about the environment """
 # Update the agent's position based on the action taken if action == 'UP' and self.agent_position[1] >0:
 self.agent_position[1] -=1 elif action == 'DOWN' and self.agent_position[1] < self.grid_size -1:
 self.agent_position[1] +=1 elif action == 'LEFT' and self.agent_position[0] >0:
 self.agent_position[0] -=1 elif action == 'RIGHT' and self.agent_position[0] < self.grid_size -1:
 self.agent_position[0] +=1 # Check if the episode has ended if self.is_slippery and (self.agent_position[0] ==3 and self.agent_position[1] ==2) or 
 (self.agent_position[0] ==3 and self.agent_position[1] ==4):
 return self.agent_position, -10.0, True, {}
 # Calculate the reward if self.is_slippery:
 reward = -1.0 else:
 reward =0.0 # Return the observation, reward and done flag return self.agent_position, reward, False, {}

###4. 环境渲染方法定义
class FrozenLakeEnv(gym.Env):
 def render(self, mode='human'):
 Render the environment.
 mode (str): The rendering mode ('human' or 'rgb_array')
 # Create a2D array to represent the grid grid = [[0 for _ in range(self.grid_size)] for _ in range(self.grid_size)]
 # Mark the agent's position on the grid grid[self.agent_position[1]][self.agent_position[0]] =1 # Render the grid based on the mode if mode == 'human':
 print(' '.join(['*' if cell ==1 else '.' for cell in grid[self.agent_position[1]]]))
 print(' '.join(['*' if cell ==1 else '.' for cell in grid[self.agent_position[1] +1]]))
 print(' '.join(['*' if cell ==1 else '.' for cell in grid[self.agent_position[1] +2]]))
 print(' '.join(['*' if cell ==1 else '.' for cell in grid[self.agent_position[1] +3]]))
 elif mode == 'rgb_array':
 # Create a3D array to represent the RGB values rgb = [[[0 for _ in range(self.grid_size)] for _ in range(self.grid_size)] for _ in range(3)]
 # Mark the agent's position on the grid rgb[0][self.agent_position[1]][self.agent_position[0]] =255 rgb[1][self.agent_position[1]][self.agent_position[0]] =0 rgb[2][self.agent_position[1]][self.agent_position[0]] =0 # Return the RGB array return rgb

以上就是 OpenAI Gym 中 FrozenLake 环境源码分析的五篇文章。通过这些文章,我们可以对 FrozenLake 环境有一个更深入的理解,并且能够编写自己的环境类和方法。


* [1] OpenAI Gym. (n.d.). Retrieved from < />* [2] Brockman, G., et al. (2016). Policy Gradient Methods for Reinforcement Learning. Journal of Machine Learning Research,17(1),1-32.
* [3] Mnih, V., et al. (2015). Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning. Nature,518(7540),529-533.


本文使用的代码示例来自 OpenAI Gym 的 FrozenLake 环境源码。这些代码示例用于说明环境类和方法的实现细节。


本文中提到的参考文献是关于 OpenAI Gym 和深度强化学习的相关论文和资源。



