C# 版 雪花ID
发布时间:2024-02-11 18:47
csharpusing System; public class SnowflakeIdGenerator{ private const long Twepoch =1288834974657L; private const int WorkerIdBits =5; private const int DatacenterIdBits =5; private const int SequenceBits =12; private const long MaxWorkerId = -1L ^ (-1L << WorkerIdBits); private const long MaxDatacenterId = -1L ^ (-1L << DatacenterIdBits); private const int WorkerIdShift = SequenceBits; private const int DatacenterIdShift = SequenceBits + WorkerIdBits; private const int TimestampLeftShift = SequenceBits + WorkerIdBits + DatacenterIdBits; private const long SequenceMask = -1L ^ (-1L << SequenceBits); private readonly object _lock = new object(); private long _lastTimestamp = -1L; private long _sequence =0L; public long WorkerId { get; } public long DatacenterId { get; } public SnowflakeIdGenerator(long workerId, long datacenterId) { if (workerId > MaxWorkerId || workerId <0) { throw new ArgumentException($"Worker ID must be between0 and {MaxWorkerId}"); } if (datacenterId > MaxDatacenterId || datacenterId <0) { throw new ArgumentException($"Datacenter ID must be between0 and {MaxDatacenterId}"); } WorkerId = workerId; DatacenterId = datacenterId; } public long NextId() { lock (_lock) { long timestamp = GetCurrentTimestamp(); if (timestamp < _lastTimestamp) { throw new Exception("Clock moved backwards. Refusing to generate ID"); } if (timestamp == _lastTimestamp) { _sequence = (_sequence +1) & SequenceMask; if (_sequence ==0) { timestamp = WaitNextMillis(timestamp); } } else { _sequence =0; } _lastTimestamp = timestamp; return ((timestamp - Twepoch) << TimestampLeftShift) | (DatacenterId << DatacenterIdShift) | (WorkerId << WorkerIdShift) | _sequence; } } private long GetCurrentTimestamp() { return (long)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970,1,1)).TotalMilliseconds; } private long WaitNextMillis(long lastTimestamp) { long timestamp = GetCurrentTimestamp(); while (timestamp <= lastTimestamp) { timestamp = GetCurrentTimestamp(); } return timestamp; } }
csharpvar generator = new SnowflakeIdGenerator(1,1); var id = generator.NextId(); Console.WriteLine($"Generated ID: {id}");